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Contact Us

GIT Enquiries

Tel: +603 8681 8135 (Mon-Fri 08:30hrs – 17:30hrs)

Email: kul_sales@cathaypacific.com

Note: Local sales contacts for travel agents only, please do not disseminate to your passengers.


FIT Enquiries

Hotline: +603 2706 0181 (Mon-Fri 08:00hrs – 18:00hrs)

Email: customerservice_my@cathaypacific.com

Note: For Service Request(s), please send it through the Online Service Request (OLSR) form in CXAgents.com


Global Service Centre Hotline (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

Tel: +603 2786 2795


Baggage Services

Kuala Lumpur International Airport

Tel: +603 8776 5772

Email: baggageservices@pos.com.my

Penang International Airport

Tel: +604 6301 020

Email: pen8bag@cathaypacific.com