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Cathay Pacific / China - Région de la Grand Baie Codeshare Partenariat avec Chu Kong Passenger Transport

Nous vous informons que Cathay Pacific a conclu un accord de codeshare intermodal avec Chu Kong Passenger Transport Co. Ltd (CKS), dans le cadre duquel Cathay Pacific placera son code de commercialisation CX* sur les services de ferry 3A et de bus sous douane entre Hong Kong et la Région de la Grande Baie.

CKS exploite et gère plusieurs lignes de ferry entre Hong Kong et la région de la Grande Baie, et a également été désignée comme GSA de HZMBUS (service de bus sous douane à HZI).

Dans le cadre de cet accord, les agences de voyages pourront vendre des vols  CX* / 3A (CKS) entre 8 embarcadères et un terminal de bus dans la Région de la Grande Baie et le SkyPier de l'aéroport international de Hong Kong (HKIA).


Détail des codeshares

Entre le Sky Pier de HKIA (HKG) et les Embarcadères de ferry / Gare routière de la Région de la Grande Baie :

City City Code Service Type Embarcadère des ferries / Terminal des bus Code













Lian Hua Shan



Nan Sha










She Kou



Shenzhen Fu Yong


Zhongshan ZGN Ferry Zhong Shan ZGN





Ferry Zhu Hai
Bus HZMB Zhuhai port HZI


Zone de ventes

  • Chine GBA 
  • Afrique du Sud, Australie, Cambodge, Canada, Corée du Sud, Émirats Arabes Unis, États-Unis, Inde, Indonésie, Japon, Malaisie, Nouvelle-Zélande, Philippines, Singapour, Thaïlande, Vietnam.

Etendu à partir du 8 octobre 2024, aux points de vente ci-dessous :

  • Allemagne, Bangladesh, Chine Continentale, Espagne, France, Hong Kong, Israël, Italie, Macao, Népal, Pays-Bas, Royaume-Uni, Sri Lanka, Suisse, Taïwan


Avantages pour les clients

  • Les clients peuvent désormais planifier leur voyage en réservant à l'avance leurs billets d'avion, de ferry ou de bus, afin de voyager en toute tranquillité.
  • Les clients n'ont plus besoin de faire la queue pour acheter un billet de ferry/bus.
  • Les agents peuvent émettre le billet de ferry/bus dans le cadre d'un billet Cathay Pacific.
  • La taxe de départ de Hong Kong n'est pas facturée car il s'agit d'un service de correspondance internationale.
  • Les clients n'ont plus besoin de faire la queue à SkyPier pour obtenir le remboursement de la taxe de départ de Hong Kong.



About the Codeshare Ferry Services

  1. Quels sont les numéros de vol de Cathay Pacific pour le Ferry CKS en  Codeshare ?
    Compagnie de ferry Direction Numéro de vol en Codeshare
    Chu Kong Passenger Transport Co.Ltd Au départ de HKG CX9800-9899 nombre impair
    vers HKG CX9800-9899 nombre pair

  2. What equipment code is filed for the ferry segment?

    The equipment code appears as LCH (Launch / Boat)

  3. How to book CKS codeshare flights?

    Travel agents can use ferry pier codes or city codes for availability display and sales when creating a CKS codeshare booking.

  4. Is it allowed to book the ferry segment alone?

    No. It must be booked in bundle with immediate connection of Cathay Pacific prime flight.

  5. What booking classes are available for the ferry segment?

    First class (RBD-J) and Economy class (RBD-Y), all ferry services have dual classes except ZGN – Y only.

  6. What is the booking range of the ferry service?

    It can be booked up to 360 days. All tickets must be issued/reissued/revalidated at least one day before ferry departure (in local time).

  7. What fares and fare types are available?

    Fares and Fare Types are filed by Cathay Pacific through ATPCO. Please use the appropriate entry to display available fares and fare types.  Travel agents can refer to respective GDS Help Page for fare entries.

    Travel agents are always recommended to perform auto pricing to get the correct fares and fare rules.

  8. How to book the best connecting time for passengers?

    The availability display in GDSs is considered with Minimum Connecting Time (MCT) for both sea to air and air to sea connections. Please book the ferry and air segment after availability display to ensure enough connecting time.

    Please do not use long segment sell or sell the ferry and air segments by separate transactions to avoid invalid connections.

  9. What passenger types can be booked?

    Adult and Child/Infant discount fares for the Ferry segment are applicable in some markets, please refer individual fare rules at time of booking.

  10. Will the passenger get the CX* ferry boarding pass together with air boarding pass?

    There is no boarding pass for ferry service. Ferry ticket will be issued to passenger for boarding the ferry.

  11. Where and when can the passenger get the ferry ticket?

    For Sea to Air:

    Passengers check in at ferry terminal (except Zhuhai) and get the ferry ticket and boarding pass 60 minutes before departure.

    Passengers check in at Zhuhai ferry terminal, get the ferry ticket from the “Overseas Routes Ticketing Office” 90 minutes before departure and check in air portion at “Hong Kong Airport Check-in Counter” at Ferry Terminal.

    For Air to sea:

    Passengers are required to pick up the ferry ticket at “Ferry to Mainland/Macao Ticketing Counter”, located at HKIA transfer area E2, for ferry service 60 minutes before departure.

  12. Can the passenger baggage be checked through to the destination?

    Yes, Cathay Pacific and the Ferry companies offer the convenience of baggage tag through service. Baggage tag through allows the transfer of passenger baggage from the departure port to the final destination offering a hassle free journey.

  13. What is the baggage policy for the CX* Ferry Service?

    Cathay Pacific Policy applies to the following baggage handling:

    • Carry on and cabin baggage
    • Checked baggage
    • Extra Baggage Allowance
    • Excess Baggage charges

    Read the details of Cathay Pacific baggage policy

  14.  What are the processes for booking changes?

    For involuntary change (i.e. schedule changes and cancellations made by CX). Both Cathay Pacific and the Ferry Company (3A) will try their best efforts to accommodation passengers on to next available ferry and ensure it is connectable to their flight.

    For voluntary changes (i.e. itinerary changes made by the passenger), cancel and re-booking rules applies and subject to availability.

About the Bonded Bus Services

  1. What are the Cathay Pacific flight number ranges for the CKS Bus Codeshare?

    Ferry company Direction Codeshare flight number
    Chu Kong Passenger Transport Co.Ltd Ex-HKG CX6400-6499 odd number
    To-HKG CX6400-6499 even number

  2. What equipment code is filed for the bus segment?

    The equipment code appears as BUS.

  3. How to book CKS codeshare flights?

    Travel agents can use bus terminal code or city codes for availability display and sales when creating a CKS codeshare booking.

  4. Is it allowed to book the bus segment alone?

    No. It must be booked in bundle with immediate connection of Cathay Pacific prime flight.

  5. What booking classes are available for the bus segment?

    Economy class.(RBD-Y) only.

  6. What is the booking range of the bus service?

    It can be booked up to 360 days. All ticket must be issued/reissued/revalidated at least one day before ferry departure (in local time).

  7. What fares and fare types are available?

    Fares and Fare Types are filed by Cathay Pacific through ATPCO. Please use the appropriate entry to display available fares and fare types.  Travel agents can refer to respective GDS Help Page for fare entries.

    Travel agents are always recommended to perform auto pricing to get the correct fares and fare rules.

  8. How to book the best connecting time for passengers?

    The availability display in GDSs is considered with Minimum Connecting Time (MCT) for both bridge to air and air to bridge connections.

    Please book the bus and air segment after availability display to ensure enough connecting time.

    Please do not use long segment sell or sell the bus and air segments by separate transactions to avoid invalid connections.

  9. What passenger types can be booked?

    Adult and Child/Infant discount fares for the bus segment are applicable in some markets, please refer individual fare rules at time of booking.

  10. Will the passenger get the CX* bus boarding pass together with air boarding pass?

    There is no boarding pass for bus service. Bus ticket will be issued to passenger for boarding the bus.

  11. Where and when can the passenger get the bus ticket?

    For Bridge to Air:

    Passengers are required to reach “Hong Kong International Airport Direct” counter at HMZB Zhuhai port at 90 mins before bus departure for travel document and flights verification. Passengers will get a verification slip for check-in after completing the immigration formalities. 

    For Air to Bridge:

    Passengers are required to pick up the bus ticket at “Ferry/Bus to Mainland/Macao Ticketing Counter”, located at HKIA transfer area E2, for bus service 60 minutes before departure.

  12. Can the passenger baggage be checked through to the destination?

    Yes, Cathay Pacific and the bus companies offer the convenience of baggage tag through service. Baggage tag through allows the transfer of passenger baggage from the departure port to the final destination offering a hassle free journey.

  13. What is the baggage policy for the CX* Bus Service?

    Cathay Pacific Policy applies to the following baggage handling:
    • Carry on and cabin baggage
    • Checked baggage
    • Extra Baggage Allowance
    • Excess Baggage charges

    Read the details of Cathay Pacific baggage policy

  14. What are the processes for booking changes?

    For involuntary change (i.e. schedule changes and cancellations made by CX). Both Cathay Pacific and the Bus Company (3A) will try their best efforts to accommodation passengers on to next available bus and ensure it is connectable to their flight.

    For voluntary changes (i.e. itinerary changes made by the passenger), cancel and re-booking rules applies and subject to availability.