TKNE Policy and Ticket Number Notification

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TKNE Policy

CX has imposed TKNE policy in June 2010 to enhance inventory integrity. With the policy, CX will recognize ticket numbers automatically generated under SSR TKNE/ TKNA/ TKNC as the only valid ticket reporting formats. Ticket numbers reported in TKNM format is input by manual and is used solely for electronic ticket revalidation processing whenever applicable. Ticket number as reported must be valid for travel on the flight as booked complying to all ticket rules and conditions. All other ticket reporting formats and invalid ticket numbers reported are both considered as invalid and bookings will be cancelled upon ADTK (ticket deadline) due date. Please refer below FAQ for details.


Automatic ticket number format:

  • What are the automatic ticket number formats?

    Upon ticket issuance, ticket number is automatically generated by system as:

    These are valid ticket number reporting formats.

    All ticket reissuance, where applicable, should be subject to fare rules, reissuance guidelines and policy of respective CX Sales Office.

  • Will there be any automatic ticket number format generated if CX is not the plating carrier?

    Yes, automatic ticket number will also be generated in the case of interline ticketing in the same format as specified above. But it is always recommended to issue ticket plated in CX wherever possible.


  • If ticket is issued in prior, how should we report the ticket number for the newly booked flight after a booking change? Will booking be subject to cancel at ticket deadline?

    SSR TKNM is used only for revalidation. Booking with valid ticket number will be relinked during the revalidation process and will not be cancelled at ticket deadline. If reissue is required for the booking change, SSR TKNE will be generated automatically to airline to remove the deadline.

    It is always suggested to allow sufficient timing for arranging revalidation before ticket deadline so as to avoid booking being automatically cancelled in case SSR TKNE is not reported in time.

  • Will booking be cancelled if booking is reported with TKNM but fail at revalidation?

    Invalid ticket number will not be relinked if revalidation fails. Travel agents are advised to follow the according SSR request and re-generate the TKNE to the booking, e.g. to reissue ticket, before the deadline. If there is no TKNE found at ticket deadline, booking will be subject to cancellation.

  • Will revalidation be supported if CX is not the plating carrier?

    No, revalidation is not supported on interline ticket. In this case, ticket needs to be reissued whereby new SSR TKNE will be generated to CX.

Paper Ticket:

  • Is paper ticket still acceptable?

    There is effectively no more paper ticket issued by agents in BSP markets. Airline reservations offices must be contacted for paper ticket validation or else booking will be subject to cancellation at deadline expiry. While in ARC markets, SSR TKNA or TKNC will be automatically updated to CX and remove the ticket deadline.

  • If passenger has a paper ticket issued in prior, how should we report the ticket number to CX?

    Please report the paper ticket number by SSR OTHS CX HKG PAPER TKT 1601234567899-900 ARE WAITING FOR VERIFY in the booking and at the same time fax the paper ticket copy to local CX office for verification before ticket deadline. Upon receipt of a valid paper ticket copy, CX will update ticket number and remove the ticket deadline accordingly. Otherwise, booking will be cancelled automatically after ticket deadline.

Close to departure:

  • For bookings close to departure, what should be the revalidation procedure?

    In principle, the ET revalidation process takes place immediately at CX when a new flight/date is booked. Only in the case that a reissue is required failing the revalidation, the newly booked flight(s) will be subject to the deadline cancellation. It’s always suggested that revalidation or reissue arrangement to be done at least one working day before ticket deadline wherever possible.

Ticket Number Reporting

Ticket must be issued or a valid ticket number be reported before ticket deadline as communicated.

CX will only accept SSR ticket number format at ticket deadline. All other ticketing formats, such as OSI YY TKNO/TKNM/TKNA, will not be recognized and booking will be subject to cancellation at deadline expiry.

Recognized ticket number reporting formats are:

SSR TKNE CX HK1 HKGSIN 711 B01JAN 1601234567890C1
SSR TKNM CX HK1 HKGSIN 711 B01JAN 1601234567890-91
SSR TKNA CX HK1 HKGSIN 711 B01JAN 1601234567890-91
 (for US ARC market only)
SSR TKNC CX HK1 HKGSIN 711 B01JAN 1601234567890-91 (for US ARC market only)

SSR TKNA/ TKNC/ TKNE format are system generated at ticket issuance or reissuance, while SSR TKNM format is used for ET revalidation only.

GDS entries below are for easy reference for inserting SSR TKNM: (Please refer to GDS helpdesk for enquiries on GDS entries.)

GDS Entries
Abacus (1B) >7T-TK1601234567890
Amadeus (1A) >FHM1601234567890
Apollo (1V) >@:3TKNM/N1-1/S1-2/0151234567890
Travelsky (1E) >STN:1601234567890/S1/P1
Galileo (1G) >SI.S1-2P1/TKNM*05512345678901-891
Infini (1F) >7T-TK1601234567890
Sabre (1S) >3TKNM/1601234567890
Worldspan (1P) >3S2N1.1TKNM00628518463459

Please also observe the followings during ticket number reporting:

  • Report one valid ticket number for every booked segment;
  • Cancel voided ticket and report the latest valid ticket number;
  • Report ticket number for all passengers;
  • Always use active booking for ticketing and accordingly system will generate ticket number under proper SSR TKNE/ TKNA/ TKNC;
  • Avoid redundant ticket number reporting, i.e., NO NEED to manually insert SSR or OSI TKNO/ TKNA/ TKNM after SSR TKNE generated at ticket issuance or reissuance;
  • Avoid providing speculative ticket number to take up inventory unnecessarily and reduce booking opportunities.

During ET issuance, SSR TKNE will be automatically generated to associate ticket image to corresponding flight segments in the booking. When ET is voided, exchanged or refunded, bookings will be considered non-ticketed and new ticket deadline via ADTK is set. Agents should ensure tickets in bookings are properly revalidated or reissued prior to the new ticket deadline. Ticket reissuance to auto generate SSR TKNE is the preferred way for booking changes as needed which will eliminate manual errors.